About the community

Westminster United Methodist Church (UMC) is nestled in the north suburbs of Denver. Who we are changes each time someone new joins our community or when someone leaves. That’s the beauty of community.

Westminster UMC has been a service-driven faith community in the past offering community meals, a large food bank, and after-school childcare. Like many faith communities, time and the pandemic have taken their toll.

We are an aging community open to the winds of change. We practice radical hospitality recognizing each and every person is made in the image of God. You are welcome, and we’re excited to meet you!

We believe, like John Wesley the founder of Methodism, that faith shouldn’t be something you do for an hour on Sunday mornings.

Faith should be practical.

How we worship effects who we are. Who we are effects how we live our lives. How we live our lives effects how we walk within our community with those who have more and those who have less. Our faith seeps into our behaviors, our relationships, and our ministry in and for the world.

An image of a sprouting plant with our community mission.

But, what about what we believe?


We are United Methodists. Yes, we are in a multi-year schism. Yes, that can muddy the proverbial waters a bit. We are the Methodists who believe in inclusion. Call it progressive. Call it liberal. We call it love and grace. No matter who you love or are in relationship with, you are welcome here. No matter where you grew up or your first language, you are welcome here. No matter your tax bracket or citizenship status, you are welcome here. Even if you’re unsure what you believe about God or Jesus or the Bible, you are welcome here!


Many faith communities call themselves a church. They reference their identity by the building they gather in. Sometimes we do too. But, we would rather be known by our actions. We want the people of Westminster, Arvada, Broomfield, Federal Heights, Commerce City, north Denver, and beyond to know our faith community by how we serve, how we listen and learn, and how we live by our faith. We want to get to know people and their stories.

Would we like you to come to worship on Sunday? Of course! But, that’s not why we’re community. We’re community because we’re all interconnected and it’s how we share God’s love.


We touched on this a bit already, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again. We bleed Methodism. What that means is Grace is a really big deal to us. We believe grace is extended by God before we even realize it, unconditionally. We believe grace can draw us closer to God and even into a relationship with God, a desire to know God and be known by God. And, we believe grace can change our lives. When we lean into grace, grace can help us live our lives more like Jesus — seeing, loving, and walking with those on the margins.


We mentioned at the top of the page…we know we change every time someone new becomes a part of the faith community. We want you to know that is an invitation. You are welcome. And, we are excited to see who we become with you!

“There’s not just one way to be Christian at Westminster UMC.”

— Rev. Megan Burg, Lead Pastor of Westminster UMC